Trail Itinerary
1. Five Dock to Epping
In this section of the Great North Road one would think that 180 years of urbanization would have obliterated the road but amazingly traces of the road can still be found. A must for modern day explorers of the Convict Trail in this section are listed below:-
The Sydney Journey begins in Five Dock where the road first began and still bears the original name today. Here at the corner of the Great North Road and Lyons Road you will find the Convict Memorial to Convict Road Party 14 who were based close to Five Dock.
The Great North Road through Five Dock and Abbotsford from Parramatta Road to Abbotsford wharf still follows exactly the original line of the road. At the end of the road opposite the current wharf in a small section of pick marking that could date from the original cutting for the wharf. To serve the passing traffic the Red Cow Inn was built where the Sydney Rowing Club now is, a few of the stones from the original building are set in one of the walls.
The Sydney Journey begins in Five Dock where the road first began and still bears the original name today. Here at the corner of the Great North Road and Lyons Road you will find the Convict Memorial to Convict Road Party 14 who were based close to Five Dock.
The Great North Road through Five Dock and Abbotsford from Parramatta Road to Abbotsford wharf still follows exactly the original line of the road. At the end of the road opposite the current wharf in a small section of pick marking that could date from the original cutting for the wharf. To serve the passing traffic the Red Cow Inn was built where the Sydney Rowing Club now is, a few of the stones from the original building are set in one of the walls.
Bedlam Point as seen a great deal of change since the punt wharf and Ferryman’s hut were built in 1830. Evidence of various structures can be seen at very low tide. Bedlam Point is also home to Rockend Cottage, an original building along the road which has been beautifully restored. Rockend Cottage is better known these days as the home of Banjo Patterson.
Devlins Creek Crossing opposite Candy Ave in Epping is an example of a low level crossing that still exists today.
To download the Convict Trail brochure For Five Dock to Epping please click here.
To download the City of Ryde Gladesville Heritage Walking Trail please click here
Devlins Creek Crossing opposite Candy Ave in Epping is an example of a low level crossing that still exists today.
To download the Convict Trail brochure For Five Dock to Epping please click here.
To download the City of Ryde Gladesville Heritage Walking Trail please click here
Next visit Epping to Wisemans Ferry